Importance of Iteration

Importance of Iteration

Iteration is the key to getting things right in game development. It's a fundamental principle that should be embraced and celebrated, as it allows you to continuously refine and improve your work until it meets the desired quality standards. In the development of Marvel's Spider-Man, iteration played a crucial role in shaping the game's core mechanics, including the AI systems.

During the presentation, Adam Newnchester highlighted several instances where iteration was essential to achieving the desired gameplay experience. Let's take a closer look at some of these examples:

Combat Management

The combat iteration section discussed how the team went through multiple iterations to refine the melee and ranged combat managers. Initially, the systems were simple, but as they playtested and received feedback, they realized the need for additional features and improvements.

Iteration allowed the team to address issues such as cheap hits, off-screen attacks, and player frustration, gradually enhancing the combat experience until it felt engaging, fair, and true to the Spider-Man character.

[Diagram to be made of the combat manager's evolution and iterations]

Positioning and Navigation

Similarly, the team iterated on the positioning and navigation systems for the AI enemies. The initial approach using fight circles and wedges proved to be too robotic and prone to issues. Through iteration, they developed a more sophisticated solution using a gradient descent hill climber algorithm, which considered factors like bot reservations, navigation mesh, and ideal attack ranges.

Step 1

The team started with a simple approach using fight circles and wedges.

Step 2

After playtesting and feedback, they realized the need for a more dynamic and organic solution.

Step 3

They iterated on the positioning system, eventually developing the gradient descent hill climber algorithm that took into account multiple factors for determining enemy positions.

[Diagram to be made of the positioning system's evolution and iterations]

The importance of iteration cannot be overstated. It's a process that allows you to continuously improve your work, incorporating feedback and addressing issues as they arise. By embracing iteration, the development team was able to refine the core mechanics of Marvel's Spider-Man, ensuring a polished and enjoyable gameplay experience for players.

Remember, iteration is not a sign of failure; it's a natural and essential part of the development process. Embrace it, and don't be afraid to revisit and refine your work until you've achieved the desired result.